I was introduced to Debbie Brown website by Thata couple months ago and fall in love with her Dippy Dinosaurs cake. It’s perfect for Ruben’s second birthday since he fond of dinosaurs and Dippy seems quite easy to make. Finally bought her 50 easy party cake book on October 2007 for Rp 200.000, expensive but worth it.
I try Debbie’s Madeira butter cake with a little modification ( plus 1 egg and ½ cup milk), but I’m not satisfied with the result. It came out rather hard and dry. But it had a perfect halfball shape that make the fondant covering is quite easy. The problem arise at shaping Dino’s head, first attempt looks like pig and second attempt rather like alien. Finally third attempt a little bit looks like dinosaurs. I had to use cmc for its head to hold up.
Beside Dino cake I also prepare simple goodie bag for Ben’s friends and his classmates (there are only 3 children in the class!). I made transportation butter cookies and blocks cake for the goodie. Butter cookies already baked one week before birthday and iced with fondant. I used royal icing to stick fondant to cookies.